As promised I have something fun planned but I do need all of your help to do this!
Everyone should've recived a separte email actually 2 about this already.
I need you to send me one self addressed stamped 5x7 or 4x6 envelope and include inside your name, info, blog/page address if you have them.
one for each person you send out. If you send out 1, 2 or 3 packs per month
then you have 3, 6, or 9 SPs correct so included with a self addressed envelope to me should be your clues or info 3, 6 or 9 times.
You'll be recieving back your self addressed envelope with your Sp reveiling who they are you'll have 3, 6 or 9 puzzles and/or clues to figure them out...
Then you can either have 3 clues included, or write your info on paper or cardstock make sure it's big enough to be cut around letters and stuff so it'd be a puzzle that the other person has to put together to reveil yourself or into letters or pieces of info that needs to be descrambled to figure out who you are.
Keep each separate in little baggies or paper cliped.
Then I'd separate them into each persons return envelope of each sender by each month and will mail them out all together
I've done these things before and it can been lots of fun! You can send however you want as easy or hard as you like.
Please send them by Sept.2st for me so I can have the time to separate and match them to each person.
If you already sent out your before this thats ok still please include for this anyway!
Thanks and Be creative and have fun!
let me know if you have anymore questions.